September Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

8/26/2019, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz



Adam Zeigler

Vice President


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Chair


JD Darling

Sponsorship - Golf Committee


Barry Lambert



Matt Morgan



Chris Ferguson

Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Sufficient  funds are available to cover expenses for POY, Shootout Winner and Kickoff Dinner
    • CEF is well funded with no pending expenses for balance of 2019 > Carlos is planned for seminar in November and we have already covered that expense
  2. Tournaments
  1. Fall Classic Tournament
    1. Scheduled for 9/28 and 9/29/2019 – Draft on 9/27 – “C” Players draft  >$120 per player
    2. Tournament format  (Saturday 9/28 - Progressive Shamble, 9/29 – Best Ball A/B, C/D)
      1. Adam has planned keg on Friday night, food and beverage for Saturday and Sunday     (full lunch on Saturday and light appetizers on Sunday) – breakfast sandwiches and Bloody Mary bar planned to be set up in parking lot - both days
      2. Skip, Steve and Chris will determine budget for payouts, F&B
      3. Ensure club provides two beverage carts staff and kegs on course– both days
      4. Adam to discuss with Andrea cost of drink tickets – Board will determine how to distribute once cost is finalized
      5. Chris to meet with John Leblang to ensure greens are rolled and mowed
    3. Golf Genius – Set Up – Chris, Skip and Steve
      1. Tournament Sign Up – Chris to make available to Members Wednesday 8/28
      2. Set up Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius –Skip and Steve to work with Chris to ensure ready for event > discussed critical need for points to process immediately so MGA members will know their position to Stonebridge Cup team
      3. Day money will be collected by team Captain ($80 per team – both days)
      4. JD Darling discussed status of sponsors > currently we have 5 sponsors planned and will contact Sean and Efrem to see if they are interested
    4. Last Tournament of 2019 for POY points
  1. Upcoming  Tournaments Discussed – Stonebridge Cup 11/2 -3, 2020 Season starts > Up and Back 11/9, and President’s Choice 12/14 – Board may need to reschedule October meeting one week earlier
  2. Board of Governors and Golf Committee Update > discussed with Board by Bob
  3. Board status for 2019 > Board to come to October meeting with potential candidates in the event we may need one member in 2020
  4. Pro Shop – Chris covered upcoming changes to tee times 48 hours out
  5. Round Table –
    • Club Champion Black Tee Flight winner is automatic entry as player only into Stonebridge Cup
    • Board to bring nominations for Legend Award to next meeting


Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 14, 2019 at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room