June Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

6/17/2019, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz

President & Golf Committee


Adam Zeigler

Vice President


JD Darling

Golf Committee – Sponsorship


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Chair


Barry Lambert



Matt Morgan



Chris Ferguson

Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Updated Board on financial status of MGA
      1. Treasury is well funded
      2. CEF fund has $3500 available
    • Updated MGA Billing of Unpaid Members – Bob, Skip, and Chris
      1. Additional billing to 65 members (approx.$3200) to be done in June – funds available to MGA in August
      2. A[proximately 60 members dropped from roster
  2. Tournaments
  1. Two Man Tri- Play Tournament
    1. Scheduled for Saturday 7/27/2019
    2. Tournament format formalized –Two man teams flighted (Holes 1-6 Alternate Shot – Holes 7-12 Best Ball – Holes 13-18 Scramble) – made decision to not have best ball on Hole #2
      1. Agreed to have Closest to Pin prizes on all par 3’s
      2. Bob will work with Delmar to mow and roll greens day prior
      3. Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday  
      4. Adam to ensure continuous keg beer on course during tournament and two beverage carts – Bloody Mary bar and breakfast sandwiches to be available by carts
      5. JD to follow up on specific  sponsorship opportunities – Harry’s, Keller Williams, Low T, and Uncork’d
    3. Golf Genius – Set Up
      1. Tournament Sign Up –  Chris to make available to Members Wednesday, June 26th
      2. ONE DAY TOURNAMENT = Cost per member is $60
      3. Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius  – will be set by Chris, Steve, and Skip by July 25th


  1. Pro Shop Update – Chris Ferguson
    • New Assistant Pro is Brie Pais and has already completed PAT
  2. Membership Update – Matt Morgan
    • Golf has added 85 new members and 84 have been contacted to participate in MGA tournaments
    • Matt to follow up with letter in October for signing up in 2020
  3. Discussion Topics –
    • Continuing Education Fund – Payout to Carlos for PAT education is complete for 2019
    • No additional fund raiser planned for balance of 2019
    • Next meeting to discuss Stonebridge Cup and other opportunities for improved tournaments


Next meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room