March Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

3/18/2019, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz

President & Golf Committee Chair


Adam Zeigler

Vice President


JD Darling

Golf Committee – Sponsorship


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Chair


Barry Lambert



Matt Morgan



Chris Ferguson

Director of Golf



Asst. Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Reviewed financial status
      1. All bills are current
      2. Waiting for Club to reimburse Treasury funds for MGA dues billed to members in January
  2. Tournaments
  1. Spring Classic Tournament - Scheduled for 4/13-24/2019
    1. Tournament format finalized – Day 1 > Progressive Best Ball – Day 2 >  Best Ball A/B, A/C, A/D (Holes 1-6, 7-12, 13 – 18)
      1. “B” players will draft teams on Friday night 4/12 – note change from “A” player
      2. Adam has planned beer for Friday night draft party, lunch and beer for Saturday ( Burgers and Dogs) and Sunday (sandwich Assortment)
      3. Steve and Skip to coordinate teams’ scoring for Saturday with Chris > agreed we will have day money, and closest to pin prizes
      4. Adam, Skip and Steve will finalize budget (F&B/ Prize Money) - copy Barry
      5. Bob to ensure club provides two beer carts’ staff each day and kegs on course
      6. Agreed shotgun start to 8 am to be finished by 2 pm to watch Masters
      7. Need sponsors – JD Darling to work with board – Bob sent out sponsor message to MGA members on 3/12
        • Have 3 Sponsors so far for kegs
    2. Golf Genius – Set Up – Chris, Skip and Steve to handle
      1. Tournament Sign Up – Chris, Skip and Steve made sign up available to Members Tuesday March 12th
      2. Set up Tournament format, pairings, points schedule, etc. in Golf Genius – Chris, Skip and Steve to handle
      3. Reminder to be sent out March 20th by Chris
    3. Continuing Education Fund – 50/50 Raffle – club has sponsored 6 month free cart rental and Round for 4 with carts
  1. Discussion Topics –
    • Asked Chris to bring in more apparel for Tournament since Club has agreed to run 30% off all apparel for tournament participants Friday, Saturday and Sunday
    • Matt assigned to develop Facebook account for MGA
    • Discussed a fund raiser for Gary Lee who is going through chemotherapy  



Next meeting is scheduled for May 20th at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room