February Meeting Minutes
Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board
2/4/2019, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM
Attendance Roster |
Name |
Assigned Role |
Attendance |
Bob Karlowicz |
President & Golf Committee |
Yes |
Adam Zeigler |
Vice President |
Yes |
JD Darling |
Golf Committee – Sponsorship |
Yes |
Skip Streber |
Tournament Chair /Website |
Yes |
Steve Zeigler |
Tournament Co-Chair |
Yes |
Barry Lambert |
Treasurer |
Yes |
Matt Morgan |
Membership |
No |
Chris Ferguson |
Director of Golf |
Yes |
Amber Lynch |
Asst. Head Golf Professional |
Yes |
Michael Brady |
Asst. Head Golf Professional |
Yes |
1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
- Reviewed financial status – estimated post Legends Tournament, Kickoff Dinner billing
- Treasury has sufficient funds to cover all expenses
2. Tournaments
- MGA Players Tournament - Scheduled for 3/2/2019
- Tournament format finalized – Two Man Chapman Format –Board agreed there will be no differential in handicap between partners
- Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday
- Steve to coordinate teams’ scoring for Saturday with Amber > team skins $40
- Adam and Skip to determine budget (F&B/ Prize Money) – to copy Barry
- Bob will ensure club provides two beverage carts’ staff
- JD to send note recruiting sponsors
- Golf Genius – Set Up – Amber, Skip and Steve to handle
- Tournament Sign Up – Amber, Skip and Steve will make sign up available to Members Friday February 8th > will ensure format is well explained in sign up communication since it is new
- Set up Tournament format, pairings, points schedule, etc. in Golf Genius
3. Pro Shop Update – Amber Lynch
- Amber and Michael attending merchandise show 2/5 – FJ merchandise arriving soon
4. Discussion Topics –
- Continuing Education Fund – Agreed no fundraiser at Players Tournament but will be aggressive at Spring Classic
- Carlos has instruction fee due in March > Board agreed to fund at $2000
- New issues
- Board will revise Fall Classic draft and decide whether B or C player will draft
- Board agreed that in all future events new members must have handicap or 5 scores to participate
Next meeting is scheduled for Mar. 18th at 6pm in Ranch Dining Room