November Meeting Minutes
Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board
11/12/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM
Attendance Roster |
Name |
Assigned Role |
Attendance |
Bob Karlowicz |
President |
Yes |
Adam Zeigler |
Vice President |
Yes |
Skip Streber |
Tournament Chair |
Yes |
Steve Zeigler |
Tournament Chair |
Yes |
JD Darling |
Tournament Co-Chair |
Yes |
Barry Lambert |
Treasurer |
Yes |
Joe Rocha |
At Large – Tournament Summary |
No |
Chris Ferguson |
Director of Golf |
No |
Amber Lynch |
Ass.t Head Golf Professional |
Yes |
- Financial Update – Barry Lambert
- Review financial status, have money available for POY, Shootout Winner and discuss funds for MGA Kickoff Dinner – Treasury has ample funds available to support Kickoff Event
- Shootout winners on Saturday 11/10 – cash was paid to winners at the end of Shootout
- POY winners were paid cash during week of 11/11 – Pro shop credit filed in system 1/1/2019
- Tournaments
- President’s Choice - Scheduled for 12/8/2018
- Tournament format finalized – Two Man Scramble - (Crazy pin placements & oversize cups)
- Bob and Adam to meet with Mark on December 6th or 7th to determine pin placements
- Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday
- Skip and Steve to determine budget and communicate with Amber and Andrea
- Ensure club provides two beverage carts staff
- Golf Genius – Set Up
- Tournament Sign Up – Amber, Skip and Steve to make available to Members Thursday, November 15th
- Amber, Skip and Steve to set up Tournament format, pairing, point system by 12/6
- Tournament format finalized – Two Man Scramble - (Crazy pin placements & oversize cups)
- Pro Shop Update – Amber Lynch
- Discuss plans for Crystal Awards for Legends Award winner and Player of the Year
- Board voted that POY will receive an embroidered golf bag and Legends award will be engrave ice bucket
- Legends Award & Player of the Year wall Plaque > Bob will handle plaques to be engraved
- Discuss plans for Crystal Awards for Legends Award winner and Player of the Year
- Vote for Open MGA Board Seats for 2018 – 1 Available Seat
- Matt Morgan was selected to join by the MGA Board as Chairman of MGA Membership
- Communication for 2019 PGA Rule Changes – Skip Streber reviewed USGA literature and discussed mailing to the MGA membership on 11/12/2018
- Round Table –
- Bob will plan a dinner for MGA Board members and spouse/guest in January
- 2019 Tournament Calendar is posted on our website – Skip, Barry, Steve and JD to meet to discuss potential format changes and review any proposals to Board at January meeting
- Discussed possible elimination of Score Card scoring in Tournaments > Board voted to continue use of scorecards in 2019 and had lengthy conversation regarding Golf Genius scoring in tournaments
- JD Darling will assume role as Chairman of Sponsorship for 2019
Next meeting is scheduled for January 7th at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room