October Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

10/15/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz



Adam Zeigler

Vice President


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Chair


JD Darling

Golf Committee


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair


Barry Lambert



Joe Rocha

At Large


Chris Ferguson

Director of Golf


Amber Lynch

Asst. Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Review current financial status and money available for POY, Shootout Winners and MGA Kickoff Dinner   >Shootout = $1250, POY =$1600, Dinner is planned for February 2, 2019
  2. Tournaments
  1. Stonebridge Cup - Scheduled for 11/3 & 11/4/2018
    1. Tournament format formalized by Club (Saturday Morning – Two Man Best Ball, Afternoon – Two Man Alternate Shot) (Sunday – Individual Match Play)
      1. Pro Shops (Dye and Ranch) to plan food and beverage for Saturday (Boxed lunch) and Sunday
      2. Chris and Amber to order uniforms (Bob Karlowicz supplied Amber with colors on 10/6)
      3. Ensure clubs provide two beverage carts staff
    2. Golf Genius – Set Up – Chris, Amber and Michael Brady to handle
      1. Tournament Sign Up – Bob Karlowicz to send invitations to winner of Club Championship, top POY point leaders (1 thru 21), and 2 Captains picks by 10/8/18
      2. Bob Karlowicz mailed invites to qualifiers on 10/7 –Team is set 10/9 -
      3. Set up Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius
  2. Up and Back Tournament - Scheduled for 11/10/2018
    1. Tournament format finalized – Individual stroke play  - (Birdie move back a tee, par remain on current tee, bogey move forward one tee)
      1. Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday
      2. Skip and Steve to determine budget
      3. Ensure club provides two beverage carts staff
    2. Golf Genius – Set Up – Amber, Skip and Steve to handle
      1. Tournament Sign Up – make available to Members Wednesday 10/17
      2. Set up Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius
    3. Shootout – Scheduled for after Up and Back Tournament Lunch
      1. Top 30 POY point leaders – List of players handout
      2. Amber, Chris, Skip and Steve to set up – Amber to send invites by 10/17
      3. Keg beer available on course for participants
  1. Round Table –
    • Discuss and finalize nominations for MGA Legend Award – presented at MGA Kickoff
      1. Amber to order POY trophies and Legends pick Pick was decided
    • Review 2019 Tournament Schedule – Handout   Dates for tournaments have been approved by Board and Pro Shop
    • Discuss board assignments for 2019 – Board has requested Bob Karlowicz to remain as President for 2019 and he has accepted, all board member assignments will remain the same for 2019
    • Board has decided to add a Board member for 2019 – Bob Karlowicz will send email soliciting candidates by 10/24


Next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 12, 2018 at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room