September Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

9/10/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz



Adam Zeigler

Vice President


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Chair


JD Darling

Golf Committee


Barry Lambert



Joe Rocha

At Large


Chris Ferguson

Director of Golf


Amber Lynch

Asst. Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Treasury funds available for POY ($1600), Shootout Winner ($1250) and MGA Kickoff Dinner ($8000) > Balance available after = $3650
    • Continuing Education Fund current balance = $4500 > Future payout scheduled for $2500
  2. Tournaments
  1. Fall Classic Tournament
    1. Scheduled for 9/29 and 9/30/2018
    2. Tournament format formalized 9/29 (Progressive Shamble) 9/30 – (Best Ball A/B, C/D)
      1. Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday (lunch) and Sunday (light appetizers)
      2. Skip, Steve and Amber to finalize tournament budget by 9/27
      3. Adam to work with Club staff to ensure club provides two beverage carts staff
      4. Kegs will be available on course to players
    3. Golf Genius – Set Up – Amber, Skip and Steve
      1. Tournament Sign Up – made available to Members Wednesday 8/28 > Amber to send sign up reminder to members by 9/13
      2. Set up Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius –Skip and Steve to work with Amber to ensure ready for event > Points available for viewing by 10/3
      3. Day money fee for both days > $40 per player ($160 per team) > No CTP planned
      4. Currently we have enlisted 5 sponsors > Need to work with Club to market sponsorship opportunities to all Club members in 2019
    4. Last Tournament of 2018 tournament year for POY points and Stonebridge Cup
  2. Next MGA Tournaments – Up and Back 11/10 (First 2019 Tournament), and President’s Choice 12/8
  3. Stonebridge Cup scheduled for 11/3 and 11/4
  1. Golf Committee Update –
    • Skip Streber discussed Dye Superintendent taking Board of Governor’s on tour of Dye Course and suggested it may be an action to consider for Ranch
  2. Round Table –
    • Club Championship Flight winners (Gross) will receive automatic entry into Stonebridge Cup
    • Players get 50 participation points for either Senior Championship and Club Championship (1 0nly)
    • Board members to bring nominations for Legend Award at next meeting
  3. Meeting Adjourned


Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 15, 2018 at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room