September Meeting Minutes
Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board
9/10/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM
Attendance Roster |
Name |
Assigned Role |
Attendance |
Bob Karlowicz |
President |
Yes |
Adam Zeigler |
Vice President |
Yes |
Skip Streber |
Tournament Chair |
Yes |
Steve Zeigler |
Tournament Chair |
No |
JD Darling |
Golf Committee |
Yes |
Barry Lambert |
Treasurer |
Yes |
Joe Rocha |
At Large |
Yes |
Chris Ferguson |
Director of Golf |
No |
Amber Lynch |
Asst. Head Golf Professional |
Yes |
- Financial Update – Barry Lambert
- Treasury funds available for POY ($1600), Shootout Winner ($1250) and MGA Kickoff Dinner ($8000) > Balance available after = $3650
- Continuing Education Fund current balance = $4500 > Future payout scheduled for $2500
- Tournaments
- Fall Classic Tournament
- Scheduled for 9/29 and 9/30/2018
- Tournament format formalized 9/29 (Progressive Shamble) 9/30 – (Best Ball A/B, C/D)
- Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday (lunch) and Sunday (light appetizers)
- Skip, Steve and Amber to finalize tournament budget by 9/27
- Adam to work with Club staff to ensure club provides two beverage carts staff
- Kegs will be available on course to players
- Golf Genius – Set Up – Amber, Skip and Steve
- Tournament Sign Up – made available to Members Wednesday 8/28 > Amber to send sign up reminder to members by 9/13
- Set up Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius –Skip and Steve to work with Amber to ensure ready for event > Points available for viewing by 10/3
- Day money fee for both days > $40 per player ($160 per team) > No CTP planned
- Currently we have enlisted 5 sponsors > Need to work with Club to market sponsorship opportunities to all Club members in 2019
- Last Tournament of 2018 tournament year for POY points and Stonebridge Cup
- Next MGA Tournaments – Up and Back 11/10 (First 2019 Tournament), and President’s Choice 12/8
- Stonebridge Cup scheduled for 11/3 and 11/4
- Golf Committee Update –
- Skip Streber discussed Dye Superintendent taking Board of Governor’s on tour of Dye Course and suggested it may be an action to consider for Ranch
- Round Table –
- Club Championship Flight winners (Gross) will receive automatic entry into Stonebridge Cup
- Players get 50 participation points for either Senior Championship and Club Championship (1 0nly)
- Board members to bring nominations for Legend Award at next meeting
- Meeting Adjourned
Next meeting is scheduled for Oct. 15, 2018 at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room