June Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

6/18/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz

President & Golf Committee


Adam Zeigler

Vice President & Handicap Committee


JD Darling

Golf Committee – At Large


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair /Website


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Co-Chair


Barry Lambert



Joe Rocha

Tournament Summary – At Large


Chris Ferguson

Director of Golf


Amber Lynch

Asst. Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Update Board on financial status of MGA >Board is well funded at this time with $15,500 in treasury and shows a credit on our club account of $700
    • Continuing education fund reflects $2500
  2. Tournaments
  1. Two Man Tri- Play Tournament
    1. Scheduled for Saturday 7/28/2018
    2. Tournament format formalized –Two man teams flighted (Holes 1-6 Best Ball – Holes 7-12 Alternate Shot – Holes 13-18 Scramble) 9 a.m. Shotgun start
      1. Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday (patio dining)
      2. Continuous keg beer on course during tournament
      3. Board members to aggressively seek out sponsorship candidates
    3. Golf Genius – Set Up
      1. Tournament Sign Up – made available to Members Friday June 22nd
      2. ONE DAY TOURNAMENT = Cost per member is $55
      3. Team skins will be available at $40 per team
      4. Both players must play from same tee
      5. There will be no 7 stroke differential assessed
      6. Tournament format, pairing, point system, etc. in Golf Genius  – to be set by Amber, Steve, and Skip by July 26th
      7. If we achieve 130 golfers > play will cover all 27 holes
      8. Tournament results will be available on Sunday following tournament


  1. Pro Shop Update – Chris Ferguson
    • SBRCC head covers and putter covers will be available for purchase at the Dye pro shop in July
    • New range ball have been delivered and placed on the driving range
    • Sand is being added to the bunkers this month
  2. Golf Committee Update – JD Darling
    • Meeting scheduled for 6/21
  3. Discussion Topics –
    • Skip is working with Amanda from the club to pursue marketing on social media and signing to encourage and offer local business the opportunity to sponsor our MGA tournaments.
    • Board to discuss fundraising ideas for the Continuing Education Fund at the September meeting


Next meeting is scheduled for September 10th at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room