February Meeting Minutes

Ranch Men’s Golf Association Board

2/5/2018, Ranch Dining Room, 6:00 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz

President & Golf Committee


Adam Zeigler

Vice President & Handicap Committee


JD Darling

Golf Committee – At Large


Skip Streber

Tournament Chair /Website


Steve Zeigler

Tournament Co-Chair


Barry Lambert



Joe Rocha

Tournament Summary – At Large


Chris Ferguson

Director of Golf


Amber Lynch

Asst. Head Golf Professional



  1. Financial Update – Barry Lambert
    • Reviewed financial status – Treasury shows $9,000 balance after estimated Legends Tournament & Kickoff Dinner billing, and delivering payout for $500 hole in one award to Jason Richardson
  2. Tournaments
  1. MGA Players Tournament - Scheduled for 3/3/2018
    1. Tournament format finalized – Two Man Quota Format
      1. Adam to plan food and beverage for Saturday – Buy one keg with one in reserve
      2. Steve to coordinate teams’ scoring for Saturday with Amber
      3. Team skins will be available at $40 per team, one par 3 will feature a circle target to raise money for CEF, three par 3’s will feature closest to pin
      4. Adam and Skip to determine budget (F&B/ Prize Money) – to copy Barry
      5. Ensure club provides two beverage carts’ staff – Bob will handle
    2. Golf Genius
      1. Tournament Sign Up – Amber, Skip and Steve will meet and make sign up available to Members Thursday, February 8th
      2. Sign up instructions will include;
          1. How quota points are calculated so each member will understand
          2. “How to” instructions for signing up a playing partner in Golf Genius
          3. “How to” instructions for updating profile to reflect tee box designation for each member
      3. Set up Tournament format, pairings, points in Golf Genius – Amber has done
  1. Pro Shop Update – Amber Lynch >
    • Pro shop will be adding Chase 54 merchandise to mix
  2. Golf Committee Update – JD Darling >
    •  Reviewed Committee discussion about 2018 Member Guest Tournament
      1. Chris Ferguson and Bryant Early have promised a Club driven event that will be first class
  3. Discussion Topics –
    • Continuing Education Fund – Provided $1300 to Mark Hennard for GCSAA
      1. Need to establish separate savings account for cash balance of approximately $600 and transfer $500 from treasury (Mulligans) – Barry to open and add Bob access
      2. Discussion for future fundraisers moved to March meeting
    • Sponsorship Pursuit – Barry, Steve, Skip and Joe to meet to develop information/guidelines communication for MGA members interested in sponsoring MGA events


Next meeting scheduled for March 19th at 6 PM in Ranch Dining Room