Stonebridge Ranch Country Club - The Hills Course

Men’s Golf Association


Constitution and By-Laws


Article I – Name


The name of this organization shall be The Hills Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club, Men’s Golf Association (MGA).


Article II – Objectives


  1. To promote interest in and improvement of golf among all members of the MGA.
  2. To increase participation in all men’s golf tournaments at The Hills Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.


Article III – Membership


  1. Membership is open to any dues paying Hills or Dual member of The Hills Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.


  1. Membership dues will be set annually by the MGA board. Dues will be billed as part of the regular Stonebridge Ranch Country Club monthly bill.  Dues shall be billed no later than December of the current year for the next year membership. 


Article IV – Officers


  1. The Board of this association shall consist of (9) nine elected officers who are members of the MGA in good standing, a Golf professional or the Head Golf Professional.  All members of the Board shall serve without compensation. Number of positions may vary during the course of year based on resignations, etc.
  2. Duties of the Board shall be to manage and control the affairs of the MGA

Article V – Duties of the Officers


  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, shall call all special meetings and direct all activities of the association.  He will participate in concert with The Stonebridge Ranch Country Club management to insure cooperative understanding in all MGA events and the promotion of golf at the Hills Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.
  2. The Vice President will perform as directed by the President.  He will fill in when necessary in the absence of the President.  He is also responsible for compiling a list of nominees to fill annual Board vacancies.  He will be responsible for Tournament plans for food and beverage.


  1. Secretary position on the MGA Board has been determined to be unviable at present and has been eliminated, but may be reinstated at any time if deemed necessary.


  1. The Treasurer will review the tournament budgets and annual budget and meet monthly with the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club accounting department to verify the accuracy of the MGA ledger.   The Treasurer will be responsible for reporting actual and forecasted revenues and expenses to the Board at regularly scheduled Board meetings and as requested by the President.


  1. The Tournament Chairman in conjunction with the remaining Board members shall be responsible for recommending tournament dates, type of competition, tee markers and other matters related to MGA golf events.  He shall work closely with the Head Professional in these matters. Additionally, he will be responsible to insure all individuals participating in a MGA event have an established handicap as outlined in the General Rules and are in good standing.
  2. The Board will appoint Board members to be responsible to represent the MGA at the Handicap Committee and Hills Golf Committee meetings manage membership drives,  manage and development of website, manage MGA POY points, communications, and other activities as needed.   


  1. SMGA member has been determined to be unviable at present and has been eliminated, but may be reinstated at any time if deemed necessary.



Article VI – Vacancies/Attendance


  1. A vacancy in any position may be filled by appointment by the MGA Board.  The appointment shall last for the balance of the vacant term.  If determined by Board, vacancies may not be filled and duties assigned to another officer.
  2. Attendance at Board meetings is critical.  Excessive misses may constitute a vacancy by majority vote of the MGA board.

Article VII – Meetings


  1. One general membership gathering will be held within the first two months of each year now termed as MGA Kickoff Dinner.
  2. Regular Board meetings will be held once per month or as otherwise determined by the Board, typically based on tournament and event planning


Article VIII – Elections/Tenure


  1. Election of vacant officer positions will require a vote of the MGA Board of Directors based on candidates who are nominated from general membership.  Nominations are solicited via open invitation sent from the Board. Newly elected Board members shall assume role at the next scheduled MGA Board meeting.
  2. Officer tenure is a three-year term unless decided otherwise by a majority rule of the MGA Board.
  3. The President position should be filled by the previous year Vice President (e.g., 2018 Vice President may move to 2019 President). All officer positions, appointments and duties may be decided by a majority vote of the MGA Board.



Article IX – General Rules


  1. To play in any MGA event, Hills Course members must be MGA members in good standing.
  2. New members must play a minimum of five rounds at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club to create a temporary handicap prior to playing in a MGA event.  The necessity of a temporary handicap will be waived if the new member has an established, verifiable USGA handicap.
    Handicaps will be posted in accordance with the Texas Golf Association GHIN system and any local rules from the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club Handicap Committee.
  3. Except where otherwise specified, rules of the USGA will govern.
  4. The MGA tournaments will have an entry deadline.  Members that withdraw from an event after the entry deadline will forfeit their entry fee for that event.
  5. Tournament Handicaps will be established by TGA Handicaps posted in the GHIN system and subject to any rules set forth based on recommendations from the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club Handicap Committee.


Article X – Amendments

  1. The by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by simple majority vote of the members present. 

Article XI – Stonebridge Cup Event

  1. Addendum 1/1/2019 – This event pairing members of the Ranch Hills Course versus Stonebridge Dye Course has been deemed an MGA event. Format is determined by the MGA Boards of both clubs and team from the Ranch Hills Course shall be selected from; Top 22 point achievers in the MGA Tournament Year, Club Champion (Black Tee Flight), 2 “Captain’s Picks” selected by the MGA Board/ honorary captain, and Club Golf Professional(s)