May Meeting Agenda

Ranch Golf Committee

5/16/2019, Dye Clubhouse, 6:15 PM


Attendance Roster


Assigned Role


Bob Karlowicz



Elaine Dow

RLGA Representative


Skip Streber

At Large


Norma Scott

At Large


Carol McHale

Robin Hall

Ladies 9 Hole Group Rep



JD Darling

MGA Representative


Jerry Obenour

Handicap Committee - SMGA





Chris Ferguson

Head Golf Professional


Delmar Israel

Director of Agronomy



  1. Superintendent Update – Delmar Israel
    • Golf Course Maintenance Update
      1. Chis Sorrell is no longer with ClubCorp and Dan Liggett is the interim Supervisor
        1. Position has been posted for recruiting and 3 good candidates identified
        2. Added Assistant Supervisor to start May 20th – Alex Coleman
        3. Crew has added 3 new members and are at full strength
      2. Greens core aerification was successful – 90 tons of topdressing applied and 3 rolling processes performed
      3. Several sand traps have been identified as an opportunity for contractor who did the bottom lining to return and repair under warranty, since gravel is infiltrating the sand, example; greens side bunkers 7 and 17
      4. “In and Out” gates are catching on – sign posted at #1 tee
      5. Some spotty weeds will be attacked by crew next week
      6. Fans on greens have serviced but will be replaced in the next few months with gas powered
    • Ranch Tour
      1. Delmar showed 20 members in attendance root structure of greens, opportunities for conditions of sand traps and discussed reason for second aeration this spring
      2. Grass root structure on holes 1-18, which are 30 years old, is packed with thatch that only core aerification and topdressing will improve and correct over the years
  2. Tournaments’ Schedule
    • Discuss any upcoming tournaments or updates
    1. MGA – Bob Karlowicz
      1. Discussed “The Kathy” tournament and raffle
        1. Raffle conducted – MGA members donated $2500 to support Gary Lee, who is battling cancer
      2. Discussed upcoming Member Member Match Play 6/8 & 9
        1. Nine hole match play format (5 matches) – 2 man teams
        2. If  signups total 120 or more  all 27 holes will be utilized
    2. RLGA  - Elaine Dow
      1. Discussed Partee In Paradise
        1.  Theme was revised to Lady Luck
        2. 96 players attended
        3. Course was in excellent condition
      2. Member - Member Tournament scheduled for 6/22
      3. Saturday play days are not receiving much participation
      4. Rod Gainer is doing a great job organizing
    3. SMGA – Jerry Obenour
      1. Rod Gainer is doing a great job organizing SMGA events
      2. Annual Match Play tournament is in full swing
      3. Membership has grown from 17 to 34 members
      4. Interclub at Heritage Ranch scheduled for 5/22
  1. Golf Committee focus areas  
    • Communication
      1. Hills Course Website is up and running – site gives access to all golf association, Golf Committee info and Handicap Committee website
    • Handicap/Rules Committee -  Jerry Obenour
      1. Discussed First Handicap Committee meeting
        1. Minutes have been posted to website and are available to all members
        2. Key topics – Committee Chair role, tournament scoring and posting, ESC scoring
        3. Committee to meet every 3 months
      2. Discussed communication effort
        1. Communication was emailed to all golf members in late April with details about committee, score posting and ESC scoring
        2. Annual notice was sent all golf members with GHIN handicap in May as required by USGA
    • Board of Governors Meeting notes – Bob Karlowicz
      1. Hills bathrooms renovations – no longer planned in 2019
      2. Status of “odor” in Dye Clubhouse
        1. 2 Contractors have been hired to address
        2. Grease containment trap and pipes leading to have been identified as cause but will require kitchen shutdown for 4-6 weeks to tackle – Bryant Early is working through calendar to schedule – Also needed is a thorough cleaning of HVAC ductwork
      3. Men’s and Women’s card rooms at the Dye being renovated – Completion by June
      4. Cottages at the Dye renovations - no longer planned for 2019
      5. Charity Classic Tennis Event scheduled– June 8th
  2. Pro Shop Update – Chris Ferguson
      1. Assistants in shops are being added
      2. 3 assistants on site in evenings for summer, 2 in shop and 1 on range
      3. Cart staff is full
      4. Clean carts for members is a priority that is being addressed
  3. Round Table –
    • No open issues


Next meeting scheduled for June 20, 2019